The Connor Wellness Clinic Blog: Gut Health

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely...
What Your Homocysteine Levels Mean

What Your Homocysteine Levels Mean

If you worry about heart disease, you may have heard of something called homocysteine. Even though we all need some level of this amino acid in our bodies, when homocysteine (what is homocysteine) goes too high, you could be at a greater risk of autoimmune conditions,...

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4 Vagus Exercises to Help Heal Your Gut

4 Vagus Exercises to Help Heal Your Gut

Is your brain causing your leaky gut? One of the ways brain dysfunction can contribute to leaky gut is through poor vagus nerve activity. The vagus nerve is a large nerve that sends communication back and forth between the organs and the brain. When the brain is in...

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Cucumber Soup

Cucumber Soup

Prep Time: 10 minCook Time: 30 minTotal Time: 40 minYield: 4-6   Ingredients: 1 large cucumber peeled and seeded 1-2 avocados pitted 6-7 green onion 2 large cloves of garlic 1/4 cup lemon juice 3/4 cup filtered water 1/2 tsp pink salt 1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tbsp...

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Lemon Detox Soup

Lemon Detox Soup

Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 20 min Yield: 2-4 cups of soup Ingredients: 2 medium avocados 2 cups of filtered water 2 cups vegetable stock 3 tbsp lemon juice (typically 1 medium sized lemon) 1/2 cup cilantro (coriander) leaves 1 garlic clove, minced 1 tsp ground...

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How to Test for Low HCL at Home

Having a low (not high) stomach acid level is a very common issue. It might come as a surprise to you that acid reflux is the result of too little stomach acid and not too much. Pro Tip: Older adults tend to suffer from acid reflux the most. They also tend to...

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Why You Should Fix Your Gut

Why You Should Fix Your Gut

Are you feeling down? Are you dealing with skin problems? Do you feel constantly bloated? All of these issues — and more — can be traced back to your gut health. It turns out that the tens of billions of microbes in your digestive tract are the master puppeteers of a...

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