Many of us have been working from home in recent weeks. You and your patients may not have had access to fresh, healthy food choices. Perhaps there has been too much access to your favorite comfort foods. For some, the kitchen has become a new workplace.

Stress-snacking, unhealthy food choices and overeating have left many with digestive distress and generally feeling sluggish.

Consider these simple tips to keep your nutrition in check and help get back on track.

1. Stay Hydrated
Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You may not be making trips to the office water cooler, but you can keep a water bottle in your new workspace as a reminder to keep drinking.

2. Support Your Liver
Overly processed, grab-and-go type foods, junk foods, caffeine, overeating [and perhaps a little more wine than normal!] may be putting extra stress on your liver.

While the body has natural mechanisms to detoxify, at times our own detoxification systems can use a boost to clear out any accumulation of toxins that slow digestion and elimination –  and to leave us feeling energized and revitalized.

Daily hydration is essential to flush unhealthy toxins from the body. Adding lemon to your water encourages healthy bile flow.  If you have access to liver-loving foods such as leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, and garlic, include them in your diet.

3. Avoid Overeating and Boost Immunity
Overeating and eating too quickly put extra stress on the GI tract, forcing it to work harder to produce sufficient digestive enzymes. Overly processed food loaded with additives, along with overcooked or microwaved foods, lack the natural enzymes that are needed in the digestive process.

Healthy digestion assures that incompletely digested molecules and proteins don’t enter the bloodstream where they can be recognized as foreign invaders by the immune system. Properly metabolized food allows for vital nutrient absorption.  In addition, enzymes promote overall digestive comfort, helping relieve gas and bloating as well as other symptoms associated with gastrointestinal distress.

4. Keep Moving
While you may not be able to hit the gym right now, include some physical activity in your day. Set up reminders to stand up and move around from your workstation. Do some stretching. And if possible, take a quick walk outside. Better yet, a long walk! Many health clubs and gyms are also offering online exercise classes that you can take advantage of while at home.

5. Phone a Friend
Many of us are feeling the effects of social isolation while staying at home. Stay connected with Skype, Facetime, Zoom, or an old fashioned phone call. No doubt there’s an old friend who would love to hear from you.


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