The Connor Wellness Clinic Blog: Holistic Nutrition

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely...
Low-Mold Diet

Low-Mold Diet

While mold itself is not a new problem, the dangers of it are unfolding in more recent years. It is becoming apparent that many symptoms have mold as an underlying cause, especially those who have a genetic predisposition (those with the HLA-DR gene) to mold illness....

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Gluten and Dairy Simply Science

Gluten and Dairy Simply Science

In today’s world, there are many dietary and environmental triggers that can cause inflammation in the body, resulting in noticeable effects in the gut and the brain.   When inflammation is present chronically, it begins to cause havoc within body tissues,...

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How We Use Functional Labs in Healing the Gut

How We Use Functional Labs in Healing the Gut

According to market research firm Nielsen, the COVID-19 quarantine and events that have followed as a result have caused a serious spike in alcohol sales. With virtual happy hours, a lack of a work commute, and the sheer boredom of quarantine, people are imbibing more than usual.

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5 Tips to Improve Your Digestion

5 Tips to Improve Your Digestion

According to market research firm Nielsen, the COVID-19 quarantine and events that have followed as a result have caused a serious spike in alcohol sales. With virtual happy hours, a lack of a work commute, and the sheer boredom of quarantine, people are imbibing more than usual.

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Personalizing Gut Healing

Personalizing Gut Healing

While we’re grateful for the spread of much needed functional medicine information, sometimes information without direction can be paralyzing.

Today, there is so much information available and much of it is conflicting. How can you know what will work for your unique body and physiology?

Should you be keto, eat an autoimmune paleo diet, or be plant-based or vegan? What is a good diet for your condition, or your overall health?

We find the biggest pitfall from do-it-yourself healing is the lack of personalization of the guidance you may be following.

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The Benefits of Coffee Enemas

The Benefits of Coffee Enemas

According to market research firm Nielsen, the COVID-19 quarantine and events that have followed as a result have caused a serious spike in alcohol sales. With virtual happy hours, a lack of a work commute, and the sheer boredom of quarantine, people are imbibing more than usual.

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